Using technology in the classroom is very beneficial. Our world that we live in now uses technology everyday, and it now must be incorporated into the classroom. Students will expect to use technology in their classroom because they use it everyday at home and at play. As a future teacher it is my job to teach students how to properly use and teach them the responsibilities of technology. Technology can make learning fun and interactive which will help students learn and will excite them to learn new things.
The benefits for teachers to use technology are endless. From making interactive lesson plans to teach to keep a grade book, technology is helpful in every area. Using technology, it will be easy to make corrections and add things onto current lesson plans. Technology will have its glitches, but it is important to teach students to use technology and take advantage of it. With technology and its glitches, teachers need to have backup plans when the current program or technology decides to not work. Students will be watching the teachers every move, so it is very important to look like you are in charge and have a plan. Students also will be able to use their own creativity to make projects/power points/blogs/etc when using technology in the classroom.
I learned a lot more than I expected from Ed Tech. I thought this class would revolve around how to use a Smart Board, but I learned many new tips and tools on how to use technology. I hope my future school district will have the types of technology and programs I used and learned in this class so I can teach students how to use technology.
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